Yesterday, the provost sent a message to the campus stating the intention of the University to return to in-person instruction starting on Monday, 31 January. If you are enrolled in classes this term, you may have already heard this from your instructor(s). The provost’s message included the following:
Please remember the following protocols:
● | Masks Are Required in indoor spaces at all times (unless alone in your office). As you check your mask inventory, I encourage everyone to follow the CDC advice to upgrade your masks. We strongly encourage you to use N95 or KN95 masks. Double-masking with a surgical mask underneath your cloth masks or using filters between layers is another way to upgrade your mask. |
● | Get Your Required Booster Vaccine. We are requiring you obtaining your boosters within one week of eligibility. You are eligible two months after your J&J vaccine and five months after your second dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. If you do not know when you are eligible, reach out to for help. |
● | Fill Out Your Symptoms Survey Every Day You Are on Campus. If you are not receiving the text reminders, reach out to and they can help. |
● | Saliva Testing is required only for those who have received a deferral or exemption from the vaccine requirement. You do not have to participate in testing if you are not yet eligible for a booster. |
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to or We are looking forward to seeing you again in one week!
I will update this here if plans change.